Apple's ecosystem has historically been shut down for anything other than Apple. Recently the company has been a bit better at allowing more TVs to be developed on its AirPlay and Apple TV platforms, but outside of Odd Balls, such as the HTC 10, which works with EDPlay, Android support is particularly missing. Thankfully, an arrogant app developer was able to work around it and get us AirPlay on Android.

Air Music lets you use AirPlay, Google Cast, Roku, DLNA, Sonos, AllPlay, Samsung MultiRoom and Fire TV, so it's really a little more than just AirPlay. .

The software allows you to stream all these recipients at once from any Android app. If you have multiple audio systems in your home, like mine, you can now play music in everything. I've tried this app with Google Cast, AirPlay, and DLNA and it seems to be working great.

It works on rooted Android phones, or those running Android 10 or later. Android 10 adds support for screen recording with internal audio, so the Air Music developer can pull the audio feed from this screen recording and send it to one of the casting protocols.

Available on the Play Store with both trial and pro versions. The trial is free and after 10 minutes of listening, the audio will add some noise (you can always restart the app to start a new session). The Pro app, which is 4.49, has no limits on any of these.

AirMusic - stream your music! (TRIAL, ROOT)